AEU SA Journal:  May 2021: Contents

Every School Every Child campaign to roll out

Andrew Gohl, AEU Campaign Director, looks at the bias in Commonwealth/State school funding agreements.

Whether it’s specific support needed by a child to improve learning or rebuilding and refurbishing public schools and preschools to a standard other systems enjoy, the fundamental hurdle is a lack of funding. The current funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and State/Territory governments have now locked in funding which discriminates against public schools.

The Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) is an estimate of how much total public funding a school needs to meet its students’ educational needs, and is based on recommendations from the 2011 Review of Funding for Schooling, led by Mr David Gonski AC. Findings from a recent report by economist Adam Rorris show the cumulative capital investment gap between private and public sectors was $21.5 billion between 2013 and 2018.

The Commonwealth has agreed to deliver up to 20% of SRS funding for public schools by 2023. No public school system (except Northern Territory) receives their mandated Commonwealth funding until 2023. The Commonwealth adopts a ceiling to its funding of public schools, in contrast to the floor in funding for private schools.

By 2023 South Australian public schools will be funded at 95% of the SRS while South Australian private schools will be funded at 102.3% above the SRS.

For the five or more hours it takes to complete an application for student support and the 77% of applications that are knocked back, and the problems this creates in providing support to students who really need learning assistance in already complex classes, think about the disgraceful bias against public school students perpetuated by the federal government’s funding model. This disgraceful bias impacts every South Australian teacher who has to manage in the classroom.

This is why the AEU has been meeting with parent groups, leader associations and student support organisations from the South Australian education community during Term 1so that collectively we can pressure governments at state and federal levels to improving the resources available to support students with learning, social and emotional needs. A ‘world class’ education system doesn’t leave these students behind.

This term the AEU will roll out the Every School Every Child campaign. We will be asking members to work with governing councils, Parents and Friends, and potential members to join the campaign and demand support for our students when they need it – rather than waiting 6 months to 3 years, or not being supported at all.

We are here for children and students. It is time governments’ rhetoric matched their commitment. Be part of the movement that calls them to account. Keep your eye out for the Every School Every Child campaign kit.